Transformation Host
Transformation Host
Transformation Host
Transformation Hosts International (THI) is a community of practice for Transformative Learning and for hosting the socio-ecological transition. This website hosts several Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe projects among other funding schemes.
Transformation Host
The aim of this project was to host transformation information as good and transparent as possible. This venture was also acknowledged by quite a few politicians, foundations, and donors.

A demanding but fun project. 8 new post types had to be created, an extensive amount of custom fields had to be set up, backend masks with select fields, symbols, icons, switches, buttons, WYSIWYG fields among others had to be built. Already existing post types (user/post/pages) had to be extended with many custom fields. But we didn't stop there, because all post types had to be related to each other. Events belonging to partners, methods to user, users to partners, resources to projects and so on - more than 30 relationships were established, always with one thought in mind - make the data entry as easy and intuitive as possible. All of the 30 partner organizations should be able to publicize their offers and ideas, therefore nothing could be left to chance, that's why important fields were equipped with info and help texts.

The logic behind the input masks was also interesting, fields should be displayed conditionally, whole field groups should be switched on and off in the frontend - at the push of a button, individually for each data entry. For certain classes of methods, only a certain selection of fields should be offered to partners for data input. SettingsPages were created for easy administration and section images.
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The Toolbox is the heart of the site. Extensive search and filtering, not only alphabetical, search and filter duration, projects, author, tools,one can filter out categories, phases, approach, situations, purposes just by pressing their symbols.

A custom appearance of the admin page, here of one of the Custom Post Types, the most important data is displayed to make administration and correction a breeze. Each custom post type admin page has an individually customized layout.

An extensive amount of about 500 custom fields were organized and distributed in 10 tabs to ease the burden of data entry. Most of the custom fields are conditional. Complete sections can be individually enabled or disabled from frontend display. Images have the possibility for adding credentials, description, image artist and image artist link.

A map that updates, when new partners are added, it displays contacts details when moving over the flags, alongside with a country filter as well as an alphabetical filter. Underneath a list with partner logos.

A page where partner information can be added, not just the partner logo, but also a background image can be used to customize the look of the partner page. Staff members , vision & mission, projects, events, blog, location & social media details, even a contact form for the individual partner can be setup.

Each page menu can be setup individually. It has an interesting twist. All menu points can be named, enabled or disabled through the admin backend of the displayed page. A TLDR for each section is displayed in the menu, when scrolling down the page. The content of each TLDR can also be set individually.

Disclaimer - The site owner has decided to take over site management. Therefore, errors and other deficiencies cannot be attributed to our work.
Visionaut / Visionautik
Visionaut / Visionautik
Visionaut / Visionautik
Visionautics is the art of developing visions and navigating towards them, making these visions become reality.
Visionaut / Visionautik
Visionautics is a sister site to the THI site, the association and project owner Visionautics based in Berlin offers various courses and activities here. The data input is also be simple and intuitive.

In the background, a WooCommerce shop is running, whose items have been expanded with many custom fields to increase flexibility and richness of information. The WordPress installation has been expanded with nearly 590 fields, a large part of which is assigned to the WooCommerce items.

The input is done through a graphical selection of item classes, which can then be filled with specific hero images, descriptions, quotes, course leadership, dates, and many other custom tabs and custom fields with information for each item. The fields are conditionally linked, there are mandatory fields and fields that are purely optional, the data input determines the appearance of the corresponding item page. While each item page can be individually designed, it has some common graphical details.

The admin backend of the items has been redesigned to provide a better overview. Apart from the WooCommerce input mask, each item has 16 tabs available for data collection, depending on the product class and target group.
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Each product class is represented graphically in the backend. Important information can be checked and modified at a glance. Sorting is also possible.

A tab index allows for quick data entry, input fields are conditionally displayed, meaning that fields or field groups that are not needed for a specific product group are not available for data entry and therefore not displayed. This prevents misunderstandings and uncertainties during data entry, allowing every employee to start data entry with minimal training.

Static pages can be edited independently through backend forms without having to interfere with the code. It is possible to exchange images, texts, and headings to customize the frontend. Entire sections can even be hidden or displayed.

All company-related information is managed through custom admin pages, ensuring that any changes to the details are immediately available and visible on all frontend pages.

The product FAQs can be created individually for each product. This is done through an input form that is available during data entry and can be enabled or disabled. Headlines, hero images, and intro texts can be created individually for each article.

At the beginning of data entry, a selection of subclasses is offered through different symbols, depending on the product class.

Disclaimer - The site owner has decided to take over site management. Therefore, errors and other deficiencies cannot be attributed to our work.
In Progress
La Palma Animal Care
In Progress
La Palma Animal Care
In Progress
La Palma Animal Care
In Progress
La Palma Animal Care
Mobile animal physiotherapy is an innovative method that provides a valuable complement to traditional veterinary care. It offers a gentle and natural approach to improving the health and well-being of our four-legged friends.
La Palma Animal Care
Disclaimer - Maintenance, updates and ongoing development is done by us.